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5 October 2023

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Sometimes, you need a little bit of help

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Virtus Health

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We know. Your foray into adulthood went hand in hand with the idea that the first instance of unprotected sex was a sure-fire way to practically end up bouncing a baby on your knee. But, when the time came that you were finally ready to make a baby, suddenly unprotected sex wasn’t doing what it had always promised.
Sometimes, you need a little bit of help.

As Your Fertility Family, our mission is to help you navigate the sometimes-bumpy road to conception. And for us, that starts with education around fertility. We're proud the docuseries Big Miracles was filmed in our clinics, so we decided to follow on from the show with a survey of the Australian public to get an understanding of your knowledge on all things fertility.

Here’s what you need to know!

82% of Australians surveyed over-estimated the chance of natural conception in one month.

Australians tend to hold a rather optimistic view regarding the likelihood of pregnancy. Surprisingly, 82% of respondents in our recent survey overestimated the probability of a couple under 35 achieving natural conception after a month of unprotected intimacy.

We found that a significant portion—1 in 3 Australians—believed that the odds of pregnancy within a month surpassed the 50% mark. However, the truth of the matter is quite different; statistics show that the actual chance of natural conception per month hovers between 15% to 20%. Courtney from Big Miracles was once amongst the 85%, saying how common it is to think “you have sex, and you make a baby”. She and husband Woody came to the realisation that it wasn’t as simple as they’d initially hoped. After years of trying, the couple were able to identify an issue with ovulation thanks to a better understanding of fertility from their specialist and timed intercourse. Courtney believes it’s essential to dispel misconceptions to understand the realistic dynamics of fertility.

58% of Australians surveyed didn’t know the correct definition of infertility.

Infertility is not well understood by many Australians. Everyday Australians mistakenly believe that infertility is an irreversible condition or can only be addressed through more invasive measures like IVF. Fortunately, this misunderstanding doesn’t always align with reality.

Infertility is defined as being unable to conceive after 12 months of trying under the age of 35, or after 6 months of trying over the age of 35.

The landscape of fertility treatments is expansive, encompassing a variety of options, including straightforward lifestyle adjustments. In fact, it's not uncommon for couples to try for up to a year to achieve pregnancy. If the journey takes longer than expected, seeking assistance from professionals is a proactive step towards realising the dream of parenthood. Australia's prominent fertility experts from the Virtus Health family have been instrumental in guiding numerous families towards successful conception. Many couples featured on Big Miracles went through years of trying to conceive naturally before seeking help from a fertility specialist. As Your Fertility Family, we want to remind you that sometimes you need a little bit of help, and that’s A-OK. When you’re ready, we’re here.  

Big Miracles Photo

48% didn't know when to seek help if struggling to conceive.

With the statistic that 1 in 6 Australian couples will encounter fertility struggles, the lack of awareness is concerning, as evidenced by 48% of respondents in a recent survey who were unsure about the right time to seek assistance. Beloved Big Miracles couple, Samantha and Jason, tried for three years before seeking help because “nothing was happening”. Before having their first child, Samantha was diagnosed with advanced endometriosis by her specialist Dr Raewyn Tierney. The implications of the endometriosis were hindering conception. For this reason, it’s so important to know when it’s time to seek help.

Luckily, there's a straightforward guideline to remember while embarking on the journey to parenthood. If you're below the age of 35, seeking help becomes advisable after a year of trying. Meanwhile, for those above 35, the threshold is reduced to 6 months.

It's always better to err on the side of caution and seek help early if any doubts arise, trust your body and trust your instincts. Do you have any known gynae or medical conditions? Are your periods regular?  Best case scenario, your doctor will send you home with reassurance you’re on the right path.

1 in 5 thought infertility can only be treated by IVF.

We've all witnessed it on the big screen and television—infertility portrayed hand in hand with IVF as the sole solution. But fear not, the reality is far more nuanced. Remember, a comprehensive range of options are available to guide you towards the path of parenthood. Often, less invasive approaches like ovulation induction and timed intercourse are explored first, tailored to specific needs and indications. For couples like Courtney and Woody, techniques like Ovulation Induction and timed intercourse are used first before progressing to more invasive forms of treatment. If you're encountering challenges in conceiving, your dedicated fertility specialist will initiate essential preliminary tests, such as assessing AMH levels and ovulation patterns, and male fertility tests like checking the quality and quantity of sperm. These tests provide insights into your remaining egg supply and the health of your partner’s sperm, offering a glimpse into your fertility health. Taking the initial steps, even simple lifestyle adjustments, can bolster your chances of achieving conception, with timed intercourse being a key strategy.

So, do you need a little bit of help? Get started by making an enquiry below or learn more about our survey results here.

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